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monty python

美 [ˈmɑːnti ˈpaɪθɑːn]英 [ˈmɒnti ˈpaɪθən]
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monty pythonmonty python
  1. Though all six actors also had successful individual careers , the legacy of Monty Python remained .


  2. I also like parody movies , like " Monty Python and the Holy Grail . "


  3. To explain , he referred to an unnamed Monty Python colleague who rarely produced material that really sang .


  4. After the series ended , its cast collaborated on three films , including " Monty Python and the Holy Grail . "


  5. The team behind Monty Python 's Flying Circus are to receive a special Bafta honouring their outstanding contribution to film and television .


  6. When all else fails , remember the Monty Python mantra of the Black Plague victim : " I 'm not dead . "


  7. Taking inspiration from cybernetics theories , avant garde playwrights , and Monty Python , he drew up plans for a building where nothing stayed in one place .


  8. Using satiric elements similar to Monty Python and the Simpsons ,( 1 ) the spoof has flooded cyberspace in unanticipated and unstoppable waves .


  9. Ric Birch , who produced the Sydney and Barcelona opening ceremonies , says London should use humor such as an appearance by Monty Python , an English comedy ensemble from the1970s .


  10. The other famous lines in the top ten were ' He 's not the Messiah . He 's a very naughty boy " from Monty Python 's The Life of Brian which came in fourth .


  11. Terry Jones , co-director of Monty Python 's interpretation of the myth , and a keen historian , says he was always cynical about the Arthurian legend and its supposed virtues for this reason .


  12. The name is based on a funny joke many years ago on a British television show , " Monty Python 's Flying Circus . " Some friends are at an eating place that only serves a processed meat product from the United States called SPAM .


  13. When the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail was shot , this castle was used for not one , but several different castles throughout the story , from the location of the infamous wedding scene to the lair of the man-eating rabbit .
